Inappropriate Search Terms

Somebody found my blog today by typing “pouting anus pics hd tan beach” into a search engine.

I can’t begin to tell you how uncomfortable that makes me.  And I don’t think I ever had the words “pouting” or “anus” anywhere in this blog… until now… so by posting this, I’m probably opening up some kind of weird, twisted can of worms.

Dan and I are thinking the same thing right now.

Who types stuff like that in!??!?



 I just put that into google to see what other hits it could get, and since I put that search term directly into this post, my blog was the first thing to show up.  Now I feel dirty.

I might delete this if I feel too gross as a result.  We’ll see if I can still sleep tonight.

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5 Comments on “Inappropriate Search Terms”

  1. Don Keylips Says:

    That is bizarre. It’s a bunch of random unrelated crap with the word anus in the middle.

    It’s also somewhat concerning that you know the search terms someone types before linking to your blog, but that’s a whole different story.

  2. Spanks Says:

    this just made my night. not gonna lie. wow.

  3. shawncita Says:

    Even if you delete it, web crawlers prob already grabbed it. :o(

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